Critical Applied Research In

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Applied Complexity Science

Critical research methodologies with deep domain knowledge provide actionable insights that drive strategic decision-making

Suite of interventions that drive impactful change

Cyberia is a specialised transdisciplinary group comprised of the triple helical  (Public, Private and Academia) partnerships. Our mission is to produce advancing research and development in the field of applied complexity science that triggers cascading effects across society. Our R&D is our core, and used to solve real world, practical challenges by designing and implementing business solutions for clients in both public and private sectors.

Targeting innovation and best practice development for client challenges. This is crucial to unlock deeper understanding of systemic integration in an ever changing and dynamic socio economic landscape it compels us to continuously refine and enhance our methodologies, tool sets and implemontation techniques (BATB), a commitment we are proud of

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Complexity science reveal the waste of resources we invest into manipulation and control of events we actually can never truly control, whilst it suggests we invest our resources, thinking planning and action into areas that provide us the ability to influence outcomes as opposed to control them. This is achieved by understanding systemic “Attractors” or forces within any business and social landscape. Our business architecture tool (BAT) is designed to optimally use all resources toward adaptive planning, capable of dealing with uncertainty and unpredictability a natural feature of everyday life

  • Research 78% 78%
  • Consulting 90% 90%

Publication: On the Nature of Socio-Economic Systems

This collection of systemic insights has been designed to give readers an overview of vital foundational concepts of complexity and systems science bodies of knowledge. The text has been designed to be more accessible and digestible for laypersons and non-researchers. It is particularly focused on conveying what is called the systemic paradigm – i.e. the common and overarching principles of the systemic body of knowledge (both systems science and complexity science). The vastness of systems and complexity science research make synthesis of the works extremely difficult. As such this text can only introduce some of the common theory and practice aspects that has use for the researcher, practitioner or layperson.

  • Introduction to systemics
  • On philosophy of science and links to system traditions
  • Systems science
  • Complexity science
  • System classes
  • Problem types
  • Application constructs supporting practice
  • Reflexive action
  • Power, field, habitus and social systems
  • Boundaries
  • More on feedback dynamics
  • Value chain dynamics
  • Map and territory dynamics
  • Algorithms underlying socio-economic systems

Life Long Learning

Learning is the pulse that keeps life vibrant and evolving. It’s not confined to classrooms or textbooks; it is found in every challenge we face and each experience we embrace. Lifelong learning is a commitment to growth, a journey of constant discovery that keeps our minds sharp and our hearts open.

Our hybrid learning course helps acquire the skills to cultivate and openess and readiness to be transformed by what we learn